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Writer's pictureKelli A. Wilkins

Chatting with Julian from "Ultimate Night’s Delights"

Hi everyone!

Today I’m sharing a fun chat with Julian, the hero from my erotic historical/fantasy romance, Ultimate Night’s Delights.



Q: Greetings! Please tell the readers about yourself and describe your latest adventures.

Hello everyone! It’s nice to chat with readers who have found my sexploits with Annabelle, Sabrina, and Vincent so interesting (and tantalizing!).

As some readers may already know, Ultimate Night’s Delights is the third (and final) novella in a trilogy that began with Midsummer Night’s Delights and continued with Midwinter Night’s Delights. In this book, Vincent, the Marquis of Demby, has gotten himself into a bit of trouble. Someone has betrayed his confidence and told the wretched Duke of Blackwell all about the erotic balls that Vincent has been hosting at the estate. (Couples do pair up everywhere at these balls—but not for dancing!)

The duke is out to destroy Vincent, and his livelihood and reputation are at stake. As Vincent’s assistant, it’s my duty to help him out of this crisis any way I can, even if it means taking on the Black Duke. I also do what I can to relieve Vincent’s stress and tension, and perform a few other interesting “favors” along the way.

Q: Was Kelli always going to write a third book in the series?

No. In fact, when she wrote the first book, she never intended to write a sequel and had no idea she’d be starting an erotic romance trilogy. After she finished writing the second book, Midwinter Night’s Delights, she wrote a few other romances, and then started toying with ideas for a third novella that tied everything up (so to speak!). Readers and reviewers fell in love with the characters from the first two books (rightfully so) and wanted more. She was happy to round out the series with Ultimate Night’s Delights and leaves everyone in a good place.

Q: You and Annabelle have an open marriage, and some people would find that extremely unusual, even in this day and age. Can you explain how this arrangement came to be?

Annabelle and I had an arranged marriage that didn’t start off very well. (Those of you who read Midsummer Night’s Delights understand exactly what I mean.) We were both shy and inexperienced, and unsure of everything. Vincent and Sabrina took us under their wings (or rather, into their beds) and taught us how to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. After spending a few days at Vincent’s estate, we shed all traces of our shyness and learned a lot about our secret desires. I suppose that Annabelle and I are what some people call “swingers.”

I admit, I was hesitant about jumping into such an unconventional situation at first. But later, when I learned that Annabelle was eager to experiment and have naughty fun, I gave in—and I don’t regret it at all.

Even though we share our affections with Vincent and his lovely wife, Sabrina, Annabelle and I have our own special connection. I love her playfulness and her excitement about life. She’s devoted and tender and yet, has an adventurous side.

Q: Since you’re being open, let’s have a little naughty fun. Where was the wildest place you ever seduced your partner(s)?

It’s hard to choose just one place! Once, Annabelle and I were caught having relations at a dinner party. (We didn’t mind if the guests watched, but my father and the host were highly offended.) Recently, Annabelle and I were strolling through the garden and I seduced her in the gazebo. She’s not shy about frolicking outside where anyone might see. (Being on display makes her even wilder!)

I’ve also surprised Vincent with a quick seduction while he’s working at his desk or after a long day’s ride across the grounds. Last month, I seduced Sabrina while she was in her bathtub. Anything goes at Vincent’s estate, and we tend to act on our impulses whenever (and wherever) they present themselves.

Q: If your partner wants to seduce you, what’s one sure fire trick he/she can play?

Some readers may find this confession a bit risqué, but I like to be tied up, bound naked and helpless while my lover drives me wild with tender kisses all the way down my body… Pulling hard on my restraints, anticipating the next kiss, shivering in anticipation of what’s to come next…You can imagine the rest!

Q: What is the one place on your partner’s body that you know will drive them wild-in and out of bed?

Annabelle loves to have her neck kissed. Sweeping her long hair to the side and kissing her tender skin gets her so excited that she can’t wait to get upstairs. And sometimes, we don’t wait!

Q: What was one of the most embarrassing things Kelli did to you in Ultimate Night’s Delights?

Kelli usually doesn’t embarrass us; she loves writing about our erotic adventures too much to make us uncomfortable. But I did feel like a raging fool when I had to confront the Duke of Blackwell while wearing a disguise! And I didn’t like the fact that Kelli kept certain details about Vincent’s plan a secret from me. I was nervous that the Black Duke would catch on to our plan and all would be ruined. But Kelli is very clever. By now, I should know to trust her.

Q: Can you tell us about two secondary characters, Lono and Lobo and how they tie into the story?

Sure. Annabelle and I first met Lono and Lobo (incredibly tall and muscular twins) in Midwinter Night’s Delights. Vincent had instructed them to dole out our punishments, and they were very effective! We never knew much about them except that they were devoted to Vincent and obeyed his every request.

In Ultimate Night’s Delights, Kelli expanded Lono and Lobo’s characters and made them an essential part of the story. Readers find out about their history, how they came to work for Vincent, and even what their real names are. I can’t give away too much of the plot, but Lono and Lobo show Vincent a clever way to defeat the Black Duke by turning the tables on him.

Q: Kelli has written a lot of romances in all genres in all heat levels. How does she switch back and forth so easily?

I’ve been curious about this myself, so I asked some of her other characters. Basically, each book comes to her in a different form. Sometimes an entire story “jumps” into her head, and she’ll know everything that happens to the characters. (That happened with A Deceptive Match, A Most Unusual Princess, Redemption from a Dark Past and Dangerous Indenture.)

Other times, she gets bits of the story and parts of the characters. Once in a while, she’ll have a character come first and then the other pieces of the book fall into place, like a puzzle. (That happened with Killer in Wolf’s Clothing, Trust with Hearts, and A Secret Match.)

Before Kelli starts a book, she says she needs to know who the characters are and what’s going to happen to them. After that, she outlines the scenes and starts writing. As Kelli writes, she explores things she hadn’t considered in her outline and might add entire scenes or write scenes that are later omitted. Writing a new book is always an adventure, and she never knows where the characters or stories will take her.

Q: Tell us a little more about Kelli’s writing style.

Here’s something surprising in this day and age: Kelli writes everything in longhand with paper and pen. When she gets an idea for a story, she writes an outline, lets the ideas for the characters and plot marinate for a while, and then starts writing on paper. After the first draft is complete, she types up the book, adds details, and makes edits along the way.

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

Although Ultimate Night’s Delights is the last book in the series, all of our stories stand alone as individual reads—and I encourage readers to catch up on all of our wickedly-fun adventures. I’m content with the way the trilogy is ending—and I know that readers will be satisfied (in many ways!).

Kelli has written several fantastic erotic tales in all genres, and I wish I could have a crossover with a few of her other characters. We would have a lot of fun together!

Here is the book summary and links to all three books:

Ultimate Night’s Delights

Julian and Annabelle are back for the final ball!

The Midsummer and Midwinter Balls changed Julian and Annabelle forever. Vincent, the Marquis of Demby, and his wife, Sabrina, introduced them to a world of erotic pleasures. Freed from their inhibitions, they now help other shy couples explore their sexual urges and hidden desires.

But life on Vincent and Sabrina’s estate is anything but tranquil. The notorious Duke of Blackwell has discovered the secret about the naughty balls and is out to destroy the marquis.

Vincent refuses to deny the rumors about the “anything goes” parties he hosts, and turns to his friends for assistance. Together, they devise a plan to defeat the Black Duke… and still find time for a few wicked games.

Order Ultimate Night’s Delights here:

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Need to catch up? Order Books 1 & 2 here:

Midsummer Night’s Delights (Book 1)

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Midwinter Night’s Delights (Book 2)

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Kelli enjoys hearing from readers and other authors, so feel free to contact her with questions or comments, and be sure to follow her on social media. (Whatever that is.)

Happy Reading!


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